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May 2015

Hi Tlomax, Sadly I can’t access your website so I can only imagine, what your models look like. Please upload some pictures or even send me the models via an enquiry on my hub. I’m building miniature vehicles, statues and more as a hobby, due to that I have a big arsenal of colors etc. to do paintjobs, depending on the complexity of the model this might be an option for you. For sharing files you can also contact me via email: Marius.breuer@cad-breuer.de Or for a conversation just add me in Skype: Nickname: “railes123” Kind regards, Marius Breuer

Hi @Tlomax,

cannot see your webisite! anyway we have a ProJet 4500 if you could send me some pics, that would be great!

we would be happy to work with you.

here’s our hub and email


we are based in Italy but ship everywhere!

Thank you
Best regards


Hi Tlomax,

Our bureau in NY has both Projet 660 and the Projet 4500 and they works just fine!

Please visit our HUB 1
We will be happy to help you.


3D R’ US Team

Hi friend, we can give you the service, no problem about, we have 3Dcnc milling service too to do big sculptures, 3d scan etc you can contact me at my Hub.

thanks for all

fernando palacio

Hey Guys,

I’ve edited out your e-mails. Please use your Hub profiles for the communication :wink: That will help others to see a little more info about you as well :slight_smile:

Hi Fare 3D

Thanks for the reply most helpful

I wrote down my wesite address incorrectly …“sorry”. it should have read www.tomlomax.co.uk 2. I have just been on your Fare 3D site and I will upload a couple of files for quotation sometime later today. In the meantime check out what I have been doing, Comments and observations welcome

The small 3D colourprints on the site where done on a Zcorp 510, in plaster. The large ones were done on a Voxeljet, in PMMA and coloured by infiltration or surface felt flocking.



we are checking your site! cool pieces of art!

we are excited to see some result with our 4500! the colour will not be so bright though as you can see in our pictures


Thanks for the reply. it has to be the 4500 becuse I need full colour and blending capability.


Hi Tlomax, Our experience with sculptures are huge, as we are working with art sculptures and students by regular.
Our best practice to make sculptures is to print them with full color Plaster, attached with our special coating material that turn the Plaster 10 times stronger and miraculously makes the colors vivid and brings them alive.
Look at our recent print for a known Art sculpture in NY, our customers are very happy with our new and experienced approach that totally fits their needs as i guess you would be :slight_smile:
looking fwd working with you
3D R’ US Team

Hey Tom,

that’s really cool work!

im interested to find a 4500 in the London area. If you find one, please let us know.



Hi Andy

Thanks for the comment on the art work. I have be investigating print bureaux using high end colour printers for a year or so now. I am interested in the blending aspect of the 3D systems process. I did think that the Stratasys Connex 3000 would do and they kindly did a test for me, but they then realised the blending would not work , They told me the that the hardware can do it but their software is not up to it and they are developing it have the capability now. The reason for my posting requesting a machine outside the UK is difficult to find out what machines are being used at which bureaux. I have had more response in one hour on this hub than all the hours of emails, websearches and phone calls I have made.

The nearest to London I have found is a company CDG post code GU34 2YT but their Projet 4500 is acting up and so it has been 3 months since I sent files and time is running out for me as I have self impossed deadlines.

I will let you know how things turn out. If you require any other info on this subject please post.

Hi, sorry to hear that your experience with a bureau is not the best so far.

May I ask you a question, why are you looking for a projet 4500 instead of a 660 or 860?

I wasn’t able to see your work. The link was broken.



Hey Marius, we really appreciate your feedback and for always helping the community out! Howevercan you please stick to sharing only your Hub profile as a way of contact, from now on? Sharing files is also possible through our platform’s messaging system. Let me know if you had any problems with that and we’ll look into it for you. Cheers

VisiJet® PXL

Hi Sebastian

My website address was incorrect it shoulld have read tomlomax not tlomax

The material used on the 660 pro and 860 pro is Visijet PXL which is a plaster based material.

this has replaced ZP151 I believe. I have used this in the passed and had good reslults from it however if the print technician is a little heavy handed you can lose detail and if too tenative, can leave residues in small gaps that is imposible to remove once the cyranoacrlate infiltration is appiled.

I am hoping the plastic material used on the projet 4500 will elimate this.

if you require more information lease ask?