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12 / 26
Feb 2017

That bronze finish is amazing! I just had about 30 new ideas for projects!

- Will you have distributors in Europe? Or are you looking for them?

The result. The part put into a plastic container, then covered with “Poly-clear” and sealed with a lid, overnight. The product is water-based, non-toxic, no smell etc. The “plasticizers” penetrate the part to dramatically increase translucency, gloss and strength of the part.

I think you should keep a few good lawyers but in terms of marketing I think the product will speak for itself. It might be a good idea to have a supplier at least in each continent to make shipping cheaper. But yes we want this product and we want it yesterday.

I’m tired of waiting for the “big players” to take care of distribution with their lawyers, marketing people, contracts. Is it time to go it alone and distribute these products myself? I genuinely would like to get these products into the hands on the community.