I will be going to my son’s school fair on 9 May and promoting my business, 3D Printing in general & 3D Hubs.
I have a few ideas but am very keen to hear more about what I could show & sell.
The idea is to get complete novices who haven’t even thought about 3D printing to think about going online and ordering something
So the display so far will consist of:
1. Ultimaker 2 printing stuff - I was thinking I might do a large School logo or motto on which they can then keep afterwards.
2. Samples of a wide array of prints I’ve already done showing prototypes, phone cases, sculptures, widgets (gear bearing etc), household repairs, Motorcycle parts…
3. Slide show on PC showing 3D Hubs, Thingiverse, youMagine, Tinkercad, 123D Catch etc. (other software / site ideas for novices?)
So I’m looking for Thingiverse ideas that I can slideshow as examples of cool stuff that is FDM printable. eg iPhone cases.
I also thought it would be cool to have a few widgets that people could buy on the day that I could pre-print. I’m looking for ideas of (more) cool stuff that’s quick to print and I could sell for a couple of £ ea. Very open to ideas here. I like Faberdashery’s crystal ring for example
What are the legalities of selling stuff like this? I’m sure Faberdashery wouldn’t mind since I use their materials, and will give attribution, but is that acceptable in general principle?
If you sell with the purpose of making profit you have to start a business and have to pay taxes for your income. Better get some information before selling in large quantities. This is how selling works in Germany your laws might vary. Regarding the projects you should concider showing off a variety of materials (not only colors). I’ve showed my 3d printer and printed stuff in my chemistry class in order to teach about polymers and what material suits which purpose the best. Get the Colorfabb special sample pack to have access to metal and wood composites. Also glow in the dark is worth displaying and food safe material like T-Glase from taulman3d is good to show because it is very optically clear. Maybe print some phone cases out of flexible materials. Try to print some jewelry from the metal filament blends (and polish them). If you get taulman3d Nylon you can show some incredibly strong prints, also you can tell your audience, that the one, that splits the filament line of nylon with bare hands will get a print for free, the only one, that would get the free print would be the Hulk (seriously). If you want to see my PowerPoint file from the lecture please contact me. The most interesting part for students and pupils is not, what complex geometies you can print, but what materials you can use. Most people -sadly- think about 3d printing as a method to make spare parts and guns out of cheap plastic, the real potential ie for architecture models, jewelry, phone cases, toys, busts/statues, cosplay/costumes and prosthetics is often forgotten. I hope this helps, I have spools of all materials mentioned above, if you don’t want to order complete spools of nylon, metal etc. You can contact me so I’d send you some meters as samples as well as printing advises. You can also get 5-10 meter samples on other websites of which I don’t know the exact names. -Marius