Well Guys and Gals., WHAT ABOUT THE DOT COMS??? I cannot understand how these companies get on here, and in their description they give their .com adress? Next you click on their links and there is a place to upload your stl files OFF SITE??? this does not seem like good business either, what do you think? I think they are just stealing traffic from 3d hubs and stealing is all I can see when I look at these .com addresses on here. Seems to be more than 1-3% percent right now… I can’t believe this, I DO NOT think it is right! It is like stealing and I would Love to Flag everyone doing it? BUT maybe I am just jealous because I don’t direct traffic from this site and print parts minus the 3d hubs fees…Please let me know what you guys think!? I just recently saw a 3d hubs mayor in a different country doing this as well? Now I just had one pop up in my own back yard and I DO NOT like this at all! their are getting orders though.lol , but the second page you click on ask for you to upload your model files OffSite? WHY??? this helps NONE OF US! Let me know please your feelings on this(This has been bugging me more and more) now it is ridiculous and time to make it stop/this my opinion what’s yours PLEASE? should I get over myself or should we figure out a way to make this stop? Like most are saying, “3dhubs brings me the business and tools to make this happen”, and are constantly in “standby mode” whenever I or my clients need a little help, not to mention that they are the creators, and in my mind deserve their cut! Thank You for reading this rant please share your thoughts on .com links to sites that steal traffic. thanx again.
Makers advertising alternate services (direct or 3rd party) should be automatic ban.
I hope they implement the “report” button. If their system cannot monitor for .com like it used too (why it changed I have no idea) then the other makers need to be the ones policing each other and clients.
I’m not sure you handled this one correctly. Most of my work is prototypes and a lot of my clients are paranoid/protective of their invention/design. I often sign nondisclosure agreements and people who don’t want to upload their model are not necessarily up to something.
THERE IS ANOTHER OPTION. After a client sends you their design you can just upload a cube or other object of the same volume so they get charged appropriately and EVERYONE is happy. If they don’t like that then, yeah I would say they are up to something and you should inform 3dhubs.
The OP’s situation was obviously a scam but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let’s not turn this into a witch hunt!
They can upload an NDA right off the bat.
If had a few people do that…
3dhubs also “claims” to protect the files as part of the TOS.
Basically if they are THAT concerned… they shouldn’t be using this basically anonymous distributed network and should find a professional service bureau in their area. Specifically one in their own country where the laws would actually apply.
We’ve let more than one fish go because they wanted to be “special snowflakes” or expected some kind of special handling.
Problematic customers from the start never get any better down the road.
End of the day… if they can’t trust 3dhubs… we don’t trust them. Don’t really care their excuses or reasoning’s… it starts with trust. No trust… no deal.
Last time I checked, both those countries are in the EU so the laws DO apply. I think your view of “trust” is a little naive. Have you ever invented something? I think your mentality of ban/report now and ask questions later, and if you don’t like it you should hire a professional is TOXIC. I am a professional and most of my clients are “special snowflakes”
There are plenty of dotcoms on 3D hubs. But do they offer a better or quicker service or are they cheaper ?
If i check in my own city, the dotcoms are ranked on the 3 - 4 page.
I can understand that customers are more preferred to work outside 3dhubs.
Email is right in their work environment.
They don’t need to login on another platform.
They have to pay less. (i think 12.5 percent fee is a lot)
So in my opinion. 3Dhubs should improve in a direction that people would love to work through the website.
On the other hand, i also can understand hubs would love to work outside 3dhubs for the same reasons plus.
When you are in personal contact with a satisfied customer. He probably will contact you again for the next order.
every story has a different side.
I am using the powertools atm. I did not receive 1 order trough that gate.