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Jul 2017


I just got my Original Prusa I3 mk2s and are just starting to model my own creations with Blender. My first hurdle seem to be scale when creating objects that will fit something real life.

I created a template box in blender of height 10mm, width 35mm and depth 24mm. I exported this to Slic3r, and by just eye balling the grid, the size seem to be correct after import.

After print, the result are as follows

  • Height 10mm in model is printed as 7,1mm in real life (70% of original size)
  • Width 35 mm in model is printed as 32mm in real life (91% of original size)
  • Depth 25 mm in model is printed as 22mm in real life (88% of original size)

Im a 3d Print beginner so I have no idea if these numbers are within the “bounds of normality” for modeling and printing. Is there anything I can do with Slic3r perhaps? Its troubeling that the Z axis is more off than X / Y. A simple quick fix, like a 10% scale increase will not work.

Super happy for help on this. Modeling things that will fit something IRL is a huge part of this for me.

Does the same happens if u use Cura slicer?

When exporting from Blender to STL there is a checkbox ‘Apply modifiers’ in the bottom left corner of screen. Be sure it is checked.

I may be wrong, however that to me just sounds like the tolerances of your prints being quite large. Messing around with the temperature of both the bed and the hot end, as well as changing the extrusion speed can impact this. I would do a number of test prints (probably of a semi small cube) to refine the print setting for your machine and environment.

I’m using this setup on Blender and export the models 1:1 Scale
to double check my units I open the STL file in Netfabb