I am looking for someone to manufacture some small round plastic pots with lids. These are needed for part of an assessment kit to assess the development of blind children. Plastic pots used for food storage are not suitable for this purpose for a variety of reasons. The pots must be of a different size and nest together, with lids that stay on when the pots are handled but be easily removable. I have attached photographs. Please contact me with any further information you require
yes, I am looking for quotes. If the current pots that we are looking to replicate need to be seen I would need to bring them in person - we cannot afford to lose them as we have no others (hence the need to have some manufactured…) and so I could not send them by post and ideally we need to have the originals available for use every week. Therefore I could bring them somewhere for viewing and then take them away again.
The pots need to nestle and have lids that will sit on but be easily removable without clips (such as one would have for food containers).
Ideally we would like 2 sets, and if this is successful we can generate some orders for other users who would like to purchase.
The pots are currently in London WC1.
I am happy to consider quotes from anyone who is close enough for me to bring the pots to show if that is required. If you think you can manufacture without seeing them please do also quote.
I haven’t requested a 3D print of anything before now so please tell me what other information you require.
One other thing: these pots will be subject to handling by children who will bang the pots and lids on the table top and together, and will put them in their mouths to explore (that is what children do) so they will need to be manufactured in something that will withstand that and which will be non toxic. (The pots will form part of an assessment kit which assesses development in blind or visually impaired children)
Thank you to all those who have shown interest, and I look forward to hearing further
I think it’s probably best to replicate the pots you have, as closely as possible, as I assume the intention is to have a standardised test. This shouldn’t be a problem at all. Since you can’t afford to be without them for a while, I could either visit you and take complete measurements, or send you a measuring kit.
As regards the toxicity of 3D printed materials, there is some talk of low levels of carcinogens in 3D prints. Fact is, the jury’s out to some extent but it would be irresponsible to warrant 3D prints as food safe, according to the FCC definition. There are a few “food-safe” materials but, as far as I’m aware, they’re only available in a very limited range of colours. I could seal the pots with a safe resin. This would probably be the best option. Worth noting that they wouldn’t be dishwasher safe. You could certainly clean them with an alcohol swab though. The pots would certainly be robust enough to withstand any handling by a small child.
In the first instance, click on the link below and then the green “Get a quote from this hub” block. From there on in, it’s plain sailing.
yes please I would like a quote. We would clean them after each use with soap and water or an alcohol wipe as we do for all equipment directly handled by our children.
I have attached a photo of the measurements of one set of pots. Although we need only three pots of different sizes for our test kit, a set of four which thus includes one much smaller one suitable for small children/children with little hands would be ideal. As I say, ideally the lid needs to stay on without being ‘clicked’ but it also needs to be easily removable, so that if the child shakes the pot it won’t just fly off (a visually impaired child wouldn’t be able to see that the lid has flown off).
If you need to actually view the pots without taking them away that would be possible as well of course. I will click the link below now!