
I noticed that my prints sometimes have little specks. I’ve attached a picture. Funny thing is that I noticed another print showed these specks on the same place. Then I noticed that they correspond to the retractionpoints in Simplify 3d.

I have no clue which setting I should change, I guess retraction speed and mm? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks

Thanks for any tips you might have


Increase coasting and try the wipe feature, also as you said retraction speed can help a bit, but retraction distance won’t do much.


Marius Breuer

Thank you, I will let you know how it goes. I’ve been back to Makerware because I feel I have too many settings to play with. Back to basics. Once I am happy with those results I’ll go back to Simplify.

randomise your stating points See layers “use randomised startingpoint”
