I was about to order one of these for printing with PLA until I noticed that my unit apparently came with one already installed on the extruder. The only thing I’m missing is the duct (the part that connects to the fan and aims the air to the filament). I’m pretty sure that came in the bag of parts that I conveniently lost some time during the process of setting my FFCP up.
The component doesn’t look like anything I couldn’t 3D print myself, but I don’t seem to be able to find a blueprint for it. Does anybody know of a way I can print this?
If I were you I would just scrap that fan and shroud. Go onto thingiverse and find a standard makerbot/flashforge fan shroud and stick that to the front of your print head. That’s what I have done
hope I have helped
Is this for a FlashForge Dreamer?
I think you would need two fans per extruder, as you will still need to cool the extruder. But I don’t think you really need this. I’ve been printing PLA just fine without it. Perhaps for very small parts it may help set the plastic before the head comes back to print the next layer. Have you been having problems printing PLA that this would fix?
Well… I’m not sure I should mention it since it’s bound to cause you more headaches than it is worth, but I designed a similar duct and mount in Autodesk Fusion 360. It works great for me, but… I doubt it is plug compatible since I didn’t ever have the stock one. So it’s similar, not plug compatible. And I *think* I put my mount and fan on opposite to the stock set up. Mine mounts in the same two holes in the cooling bar, but the fan ends up on the back of the extruder next to the stepper motor and from what I can tell the stock set up may hang it the other way (forward), but you may want to take a look and perhaps if you’re good with Fusion 360 and a pair of calipers you can modify it so the screw holes line up and flip (mirror) it so it matches with your mount. Or you could take the easy way out and order one from FlashForge for $22 + shipping.
There’s a link to the Autodesk part in the files section of the thing on thingiverse: FlashForge Blower Fan Duct and Mount by markwal - Thingiverse
I think FFCP stands for FlashForge Creator Pro
BTW mine printed fine in ABS without support (I think support would be near impossible to remove from inside). I’m sure the bridges sagged a bit, but you can’t tell from outside.
Just looking at the picture you linked to, maybe I didn’t do it backwards. Mine twists the same direction (I think mine is better because it points more downward and is fatter through the opening so less back pressure). So maybe all you have to do is adjust it so the screw holes line up.
That duct did come with the printer in the bag of parts. You can buy the whole setup on the flashforge website for $22.