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Hello Everyone,

My Davinci 1.0 board crashed a month ago, so I decided to upgrade the extruder and switch to a ramps 1.4 board. I downloaded repetier firmware and host to run the printer. So far I have been able to everything calibrated, however i’m having two issues that are preventing me from running a print.

Issue 1: Z axis will not work when i hit the home button. It will move with the manual controls with no issues, but when you hit the home button the motor won’t spin and makes a horrible shriek noise. Does anyone know what could cause this issue or where i could start to trouble shoot?]

Issue 2: I started a print to check my calibration, however i can’t get the build plate at the right height. It will zero out to the z-end stop, which is where i need the build plate to be for the print. Then it moves down 5mm and starts the print. I can’t seem to find what is causing this. I don’t have any offsets in slicer. Any advice for this would be great.