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Dec 2015

I like the front yard set up. I bet PLA printing is perfect with all this “Natural cooling” going on today.

I was getting MIN_ERROR and had to go set the min values to get it to do anything after warming the print head…

Then reboot. It printed OK though… Certainly no droops or sags.

I’m gonna get a torch for outdoor ABS printing in January I guess… (I assume ‘A’ 1st letter, 1st month? ‘N’ Nylon in November?)

At least I offer myself good coffee and WiFi…

Ah yes, “MINTEMP Triggered!” I’d forgotten about that. Scary looking error too. I actually got a min temp error once in my house. (It was cold) That was when I learned all about the safety features of Printer firmware. I have a small space heater like people put under their desks in winter to heat the printer up when the house is cold. Once it heats up it’s good until you shut it all down.