I am seeking a freelance 3D printing expert to create my prototype.
How did you get the alias for the numbers at the end of the link?
It was in the settings somewhere but I cannot find it now (it wasn’t that easy to find the first time). It was something like “claim your hub domain name”, which made no sense because this is what my hub address was originally. Don’t ask me what was the purpose of changing it to some random number only to offer me the option to change it back. I probably can’t see it anymore because I already “claimed” my domain, but who knows. Hope that helps. Good luck.
Thanks, I must have cut class that day!
@Coachart We would be glad to help you. Visit our website at jmotechnology.com or contact us at support@jmotechnology.com
Check in your profile settings. I know it said that you cannot change after you pick one, so that’s probably why we can’t find where to set it. But it should show up for you under Settings.
Have you tried fiverr.com? Cheap with thousands of freelance artists of all types. I’m getting my 3D renderings done there. Also Upwork.com.
@Coachart, 3d hubs no longer displays the city you’re in so if you’re interested in someone local you need to state where you’re at. Good luck.