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Oct 2016
4 months later
6 months later

Unfortunately I don’t cover the New England area. Part of the problem is the 4500 is fairly new and requires a special training course for a technician after they complete a course on the Projet 3500 multijet printers. Dealers will not send a tech for training if they haven’t sold a 4500 so there are not many certified technicians available. One is a 5 day course and the 4500 is another 3 or 4 days of training. Have you talked to anyone at 3D Systems directly about the trouble you’ve had since it was new? If not, I would send a summary of all the problems

1 month later

Same thing with our 4500 there is no way to get good service or any support for this printer anyone that can give any advise?

We managed to push our local distributor into getting 3DSystems to replace our machine with their other 3D Printers. Keeping the 4500 is a lost cause.

But 3dsystem is giving credit for another machine? If you can let me know any detail so I can tell a distributor