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Oct 2018
4 months later

Hi, we have been using a 4500 since 2014 and have also had similar problems. In fact, the various comments made for interesting reading as we sat and went “yup”, “been there”, “done that”. It seems this machine has several mechanical issues. We have had the same overfill and block the vacuum issue. This seems to have been resolved with a recent firmware which is a bit stricter about entyping the overflows. The failure itself eventually caused the cleaning station to block and welded the head to itself at one point. We suspect this caused the head to be damaged as we have been struggling with alignment ever since. Since then, we have had a bearing go on the fast axis, and regular Clear Binder low failures. And lately, we have had the issue of powder overspilling onto the bed which we have narrowed down to a failed seal on the feeder hopper. We are waiting for that part but in the mean time, we have had yet another problem with the slow axis this time. It seems to hit the cover which moves to allow powder to spill out, but we are not sure why. Basically, we are receiving a very high failure rate and a lot of downtime. I realise this is an older thread, but wondered if you could advise if you have had any resolution or if the printer is behaving better for you now? Also, can you put a figure on the failure rate? Is it in the 50% range or worse?

Hi, we are also in this position although we have not contacted any legal firms and are at all costs, trying to avoid a dispute. Did your case ever move forward or was the issue resolved in any way?

We recently purchased a 4500 and have just started using it. Given the general consensus is that the machine is flawed, my thought is that paying thousands of dollars for 3D Systems provided powder and binder is a waste of money as it doesn’t provide any guarantee of reliability or quality. We’ve been running Projet and ZCorp machines for 8 years with after market powders and binders and have saved about 50%. If we have any problems we generally fix them ourselves as our own tech’s tend to know more than the 3D Systems trained engineers. My question is - does anyone know of any producers of after market powders/binders for the 4500 or is anyone attempting to reverse engineer them?

6 months later

Unfortunately I don’t cover the New England area. Part of the problem is the 4500 is fairly new and requires a special training course for a technician after they complete a course on the Projet 3500 multijet printers. Dealers will not send a tech for training if they haven’t sold a 4500 so there are not many certified technicians available. One is a 5 day course and the 4500 is another 3 or 4 days of training. Have you talked to anyone at 3D Systems directly about the trouble you’ve had since it was new? If not, I would send a summary of all the problems

1 month later

Same thing with our 4500 there is no way to get good service or any support for this printer anyone that can give any advise?

We managed to push our local distributor into getting 3DSystems to replace our machine with their other 3D Printers. Keeping the 4500 is a lost cause.

But 3dsystem is giving credit for another machine? If you can let me know any detail so I can tell a distributor

Not willingly. Took us a couple of months pushing and convincing both our distributor and 3DSystems to replace the machine. We had the machine for about 2,5 years. It broke as soon as it arrived (kept leaking - drips at first), so we had an ongoing problem during the maintenance period and was never resolved well after its maintenance period ended.

So, we kept pushing. At first just to get machine fixed. Then to replace the 4500 with another working 4500. They kept trying to fix the same machine though. Lots of parts changed. Lots of engineer visits. On the 2nd year, even our distributor’s got tired of trying to fix the machine (became even worst than before). They finally agreed to switch the 4500 but they cannot give any additional guarantee (we pushed for financial collateral) that the new 4500 would perform the way that it’s supposed to.

They were willing to do the exact same thing we had like the first machine. If it brakes, they will fix it. Without the additional collateral, we rejected. So, we pushed them to replace with other printers instead.

I don’t know what items you produce with this machine, but if it is possible for you, i would say,

have your 4500 replaced with a Projet 660.I own one and have been printing with it for one year now,

without any major problem. just had to replace 1 flex datacable.