If you are using the same profile as before the problem started, it might be that the nozzle is a little bit clogged. I use HIPS at 245º to clean the extruder and nozzle, since it use higher temperature than ABS or PLA and stick well to both materials. Simply charge the HIPS and let it run for a while.
Thank you so much for your answer! actually i saw burned material so it could be i’ll try tomorrow and let you know!
thank you a lot!
I did that but nothing… but the thing about the fan, it may be possible i did put it in the wrong way
i’ll see tomorrow morning in the lab if it is that.
thank you very much !!!
I also do what Chanman mentioned, but instead of setting on LOAD, I use UNLOAD. Keep the lever pressed the whole time, while push the HIPS filament through the extruder and the nozzle, and also when you pull the filament out.
Do it for couple of times until you hear a sound similar to the uncork of a bottle.
Good Luck!!
When this happen to my Replicator I use a Guitar String, The smallest One, With the Hot extruder I push the string from the bottom of the extruder Until I can see the Other end of the string coming out from the top. To the other side the string will be full of melted plastic, you can clean and repeat the operation.
Usually in makerbot PLA and ABS burn in the extruder, and solidifying, cause of too much temperature, this can be caused by :
-The spring inside the extruder filler has weakened, There is a little spring that push the filament on a toothed pulley, that pulley push the filament in the extruder, if the spring is weak the filament can slip on the pulley, or even stopping, burning.
-Plate not leveled, the extruder hit the plate and the plastic remain in the extruder burning.
-Particular ABS or PLA mixed with wood,carbon,metal etc etc, They have a lot of friction and easily clog the extruder.
If the problem is the spring, on thingverse you can find some DIY extruder, with stronger spring, I’ve a redesigned one for replicator 2x, that use the spring form a plastic peg, Makerbot Replicator 2X drive block upgrade by De_Giusti_Design - Thingiverse not sure it will work for the older replicator.
Hi, I was having similar issues but I managed to open and do a general clena up inside the extruder. I still got two or three failed print then eventually last night I got one successful print. The extruder seems to be printing very thin. And I noticed that after the raft is done and a few layers of the part are made the platform went a click down in the z axis (increasing the gap between part and nozzel) anyhow I kept observing and it managed to print the part fine. I was observing temperature of the extruder too and it seem to fluctuate between 207 to 213. Not sure why. One reason could be that my printer is in a basement which is cooler and there can be a slight draft. I will print again today and see how it goes. I’m posting updates at www.instagram.com/in rethink if you would like to see. Also try to change the default settings from standard to low and see if it makes a difference When I was printing on standard it failed. The last print I did was on low and it came out nice but the resolution of the print looks like it was on high. I also need to update the firmware and desktop software. Not sure at this point if it will help or make things worse. A little unsure about taking that step. All the best.
HIPS is a is thermoplastic polymer known as High Impact PolyStyrene
Maybe time to replace the nozzle and/or heat break? When was the last time you replaced either of them? The heat barrier loses lubricant internally over time and can cause greater resistance during extrusion. Some people took a (no lint) cloth and some mineral oil and lubricated the filament which works it’s way into the heat break to re-lubricate it. I tried it and it did no harm, seemed to make extrusion better (but I had a whole other issue). As for the nozzle if it is old probably just want to get a new one. I bought some E3D nozzles, they are premium price but I have to say they are noticeably better. The nozzle has more brass mass up front so I think it puts the heat where it needs to be.
Had this many times the nozzle is done after a while the end closes and shaped differently. If you have a jet cleaner you can try cleaning it but i usually just replace them when this happens and it will work again.