I’m very happy with my Deltawasp despite the teething problems (extruder falling down at the end of a print & resurrection issues)… for the most part the print quality is great but wondered if anyone can help me with something…
Here are some photos of a print I’m doing… in a couple of areas you can see the printer has done a good job with the flat / horizontal parts which are printed on support material… the quality of the finish is not great though. Are there some settings I can change to help me print this?
I’ve tried printing the model upside down which was loads better, but Cura doesnt recognise the need for support inside the bowl model and so the flat bottom is not printed well.
Hello Matt, The parts not well printed are top surface, OK. Just two things about u can pay attention: are u selected a inner infill? 20% is usually fine. 2nd issue is about the 3d model: are u sure is well closed? You can try also to rotate your model in cura, and then add the support do you need, for example “touching bulidplate”. Happy printing!
The not well printed parts are top surface or bottom depending on which way up the bowl is printed… when rotated Cura doesnt generate support with “touching build plate” Im afraid so I might try Meshmixer
I have tried with infill and I had more or less the same results… this version is not closed because the printer seemed to do good with just a single wall… but I understand what you’re suggesting
I was wondering if I print slower “top/bottom” speed in advanced settings whether that would help… I will probably try that now too, just time consuming to do all the tests!
I agree with eulerO. It might be solidity issue, so it might be the model is not closed off well and that’s the reason you’re not able to print. You can just quickly run it through one of the repairing solutions such as MakePrintable will automatically fix any 3D printing common issues that your model might have. You can also try Netfabb or meshmixer.
Failing is the only way to learn printing (and not only… ) About supports in cura, u will sede it only in “layers view” and not in model view. Meshmixer is really good for supports expecially with strange models, for bottom or top surface noto work really well, but only you can discover this.
I am a reseller/trainer in the US working with WASP. Regarding your issues " despite the teething problems (extruder falling down at the end of a print & resurrection issues)," I have a remedy for you!
If you are using Cura do the following:
On the left column you will see a tab labeled “Start/End G-code”
Click on end.gcode
locate line “M84;steppers off”
DELETE line M84 (and the blank line it creates)
close the Gap between the top/bottom lines (G28X0Y)/G90)
I am having the same problem. However, my problem is the bottom layer. the golden model was printed with an ultimaker2 and it is well done; the white one is printed with a WASP delta. Not only in this model, but anytime I print with PLA on the delta the bottom layer is always this ugly and unstable.
Do you guys know how to solve it? perhaps is something on cura?