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May 2017

Hi Steve and thx for the reply, I too own a Marktwo printer, and honestly there is no chance in hell I could make a mold with that expensive toy. I don’t know if yours has features that mine dosen’t but I would never pull it off with my machine. I think what I need is more like a SLS machine with high temp resins.

Hello Norman,

My name is Grant Michel, I work with 3D Parts Manufacturing (based in Indianapolis, Indiana) to do FDM printing, but we also have an Ipro SLA machine, a M280 DMLS machine, and a connex polyjet that can make molds for ABS like plastics and other materials. This is great for low volume runs of a couple hundred to a thousand parts. You can contact me at grant.michel@3dpartsmfg.com. Here is our website: www.3dpartsmfg.com 9

Good day to all, I own a Markforged Marktwo printer… I would like to trade with someone interested in having one. My machine is barely used and comes with all kinds of spare parts and filaments including Carbon fiber, glass fill, and Kevlar. This machine is a professional series and is transferable to a new owner. The reason I would like to trade is that for what we do I just cannot find an application that my customers want. I does what it promises, super strong parts! I would like to trade with someone that has a formlabs Form2 machine of equal value.

So if someone is in the same situation as I, please contact me.


1 month later

Hello, we are plastic and rubber parts manufacturing facilities in China. Both tooling and mass production without moq. Anyone is in need of our services, pls comment back Thanks Vicky sales01(at)rpimoulding(d0t)com www.rpimoulding.com 4