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6 / 19
Mar 2016
1 month later

Lot of comments on build surface, I too would also recommend 3D-Eez or PVA glue. I also print on a heated bed, mk2b, perhaps you can add it or something similar to your bed somehow.

Nobody really touched on the options to enclose the printer, so here goes:

- In an emergency, like when you’re working on an order, and start experiencing problems, rip some cardboard boxes up and makeshift some panelling!

- Longer term, you could get some clear acrylic sheets online, or some clear pvc. This way you retain visibility. You could design and print any fixing brackets required, or punch some holes and tie with string. Make a door so you have easy access mid-print etc.

The back is enclosed already, and even doing just the sides might help. You can also heat the chamber, either with a hairdrier or a heat gun.

hope this helps!

My ctc printer did that consistently until I enclosed the build chamber! at first I thought it was just another mod, but it is a must! also

I found the link to my favorite bed cover, http://www.ebay.com/itm/QIDI-TECHNOLOGY-high-quality-PC-glue-3d-printer-help-printing-well-/331602120126?hash=item4d3506cdbe,

This stuff sticks hardcore! :wink:

The only thing is My first print bonded so tightly I thought I was going to bend the build plate trying to remove, so I highly recommend covering with a thin layer of Elmer’s disappearing purple(haven’t tried others).

Also I used to use ABS juice, but prefer the build plate 3m “glue plate”

This company also sells an acrylic enclosure for like 7 bucks!