I see when someone presses the “Get a quote from this hub” button while viewing a hub, it takes them to the quotation page for the particular hub. However, when someone clicks the “3D Print” button while on a hub’s page, the site redirects them to the generic printing page.
The problem with redirecting him to the generic print page, is that the generic print page then allows the client to choose a hub from a whole list, and most times the hub that redirected him there, is not even at the top of the list of hubs (in some instances not even on the first page!).
This seems wrong to me: If I’ve gone to all the effort of advertising and promoting my hub, and I finally get a client to go to my hub for a print, I don’t want him to press the “3D print” button, and then end up choosing a different hub! If that’s going to happen, why go to all the trouble of promoting my hub at all?
It just seems more fair to me to not divert a potential client away from the hub that drew him in the first place.
I don’t agree. The “3D Print” button is sitewide and always directs a user to the same page, which is good for consistency. If you had the same button for two different purposes, going to the general Print page and requesting a quote from the hub, it would confuse a lot of people.
Besides, there’s already a “Get a quote from this hub” button on your hub page. Anyone who would want to order from you would already use that button instead of the general 3D Print button. Changing the function of the 3D Print button on individual hub pages seems a bit too close to “tricking” the customer from buying from you instead of other hubs for my liking.
Yea this is quite silly… as others have mentioned I like the consistency site wide… But that button really should not be there at all… or if anything like others have said use a different button for hub pages… Makes little sense to have a button on a hub page that takes you away from said page. I know when I was setting up my own hub originally when I did test quotes against myself I myself clicked the wrong button more than once not realizing it was taking me away from my own page. I really wonder how many orders many of us have lost out on because of customer error not knowing about this and ended up placing a order with a different hub unintentionally. Feels counter productive to me.