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21 / 24
Jun 2017

no no—

what i’m doing here is using deathwing to figure what price i should input

hmmm call it a guide line for what my prices should be if i accepted it… which i would not do

you could also see it as a way to reach the very extremes


i told cura to use 0.125 nozzle and 0.025mm layers and even then it could not do it

what would an approx print time be with those settings? just for the fun of it

As I can only print veeeeery slowly with the fine nozzle due to the pressure buildup Deathwing takes a whopping 470h to print, and that’s just the estimate, I guess after Acceleration kicks in it’s closer to 550h :smiley:

thats crazy

i ended up with a hollow cube and the small marvin and the biggest one

once i get the extruder i will put the printer online and i guess i will just have to adjust surface as i get orders