Hi guys,
I heard of a cool project that a lot of makers could be interested in: http://preciousplastic.com/
Precious Plastic provides you with an online kit to recycle all kind of plastics, that could be used not only for 3D printing. It gives a lot of leads for your creativity to get “loco”.
The kit is open source, so feel free to improve it! From the accent, I feel the project initiator is a Dutchie again, so I’ll end with some Dutch words : Veel Plezier!
This is absolutely amazing! Love the initiative
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Really cool project. Talked to Dave a while ago and love his open source mentality to this. If anyone decided to build the Shredder in the Netherlands let us know we’d love to have a look
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Love it, the world needs more like this. I think this project will get far, all my support!
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April 16, 2016, 11:52am
I’d definitely recommend sharing this!
It might not be all that relevant in countries where there isn’t much plastic waste, but … Their trailer shows that we do actually need to start doing this.
And this, together with 3D Printing, could change the whole industrial process, especially in developing countries!
Agree! We’re working in developing countries to turn plastic waste into 3D print filament. If you’re interested in finding ways how 3D printing can help developing countries you should check out