Hey everyone,just want to say what a great community this is and that I have been able to progress my business a lot quicker as a result… I have had quite a few prints printed with in the last month and had 100% no problems so far…until now
I made a order with a hub (not including there name cause maybe unfair and want to grasp if it’s acceptable or not)…well I made an order with this hub,I asked a few questions about the files at the same time as placing the order…they accepted my order a few hours later but did not answer my questions or even say anything at all,I naively paid for that order…a few days later I asked about the print and I had different questions to ask that hub…they still haven’t even said “hello” yet and I’m being outright ignored… How do peeps see this?..and what would you do? Thanks 3d hubs,this site has been amazing and I don’t want to sound like it’s not cause its awesome,just this one hub that has treated me this way… Thanks guys
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@somthingthat I agree, this is completely unsatisfactory. I would say an appropriate review would do your service provider justice!
Not acceptable. I do find that it is hard to know you have a question sometimes. I do get an email but when I go to the hub it is hard to know. I don’t see any notification. I wish that any communication would get a notice like a new order does. That as soon as you log in there it is in your face.
@somthingthat As a hub who prides themselves on customer interaction, I really don’t like hearing that you’re being ignored. A few days is much too long, especially considering the average lead time for prints is 2 or 3 days. If they don’t complete the order within the expected time or even respond to you, I would definitely consider requesting a refund.