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Sep 2018

Ah Ha! I think you’ve got it @wirlybird! The lower part of the left arm and sword are not aligned correctly, it looks like they’ve rotated about 20-30 degrees from where they should be, so the “mess” is just the result of this lower arm part being loose (but not fully disconnected) and eventually the movement just happens to allow the print to get back on track.

Looking at where the model snapped off on the legs, what I thought was just my own brute strength snapping it, looks maybe now like a brief underextrusion or other flow interruption making the model weak at that point. This is (perhaps coincidentally, perhaps not) the point at which the left sword has minimal contact with his leg, so it looks like the sword was left only being attached by a mm or so of plastic, allowing it to move.

Not sure what caused the weakness at that point - the rest of the model looks absolutely fine, the reel is running smoothly, etc.

Anyway, problem solved! Thanks!