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Mar 2017

Hi folks, well, I think @wirlybird was on the money asking about the temperature; this print was “standard” PLA which, from my supplier on this printer, I print at 205C, but I’d accidentally used a profile for PLA+, which prints at 220C, way too hot for that filament, so I suspect there was some “heat creep” and the filament up by the hobbed gear was getting too soft. It doesn’t really explain why the rest of the print worked OK, possibly because of a higher throughput during the main body, but I watched the pins being printed last night and there is a lot of shuffling to and fro, so maybe that, combined with filament that had got soft, was the cause.

Whatever the reason, the last print came out perfectly (when set at 205C), right down to the slightly domed top of the pins and the hobbed gear remained clear.

@Perry_1 it being PLA, and a 50 micron, high detail print at that, the profile is already using 100% fan so if it had been cooling, I’d have been a bit stuck :slight_smile: It’s hard to tell from the photos but the pins weren’t melted they simply weren’t printed at all; the mess is what remains of half-extruded perimeters and infill rather than overheated blobs.

So glad to hear its been fixed. I was going to try to jump in and print your model (just the top part) on my printer to see if I could figure it out! I was just imagining you needed these 10 hour prints, and the fact a tiny part on top was preventing the print job from being completed was making me lose sleep!!!