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May 2016
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2 months later

Hi Enor,

Our objet Eden got an error message “Vacuum out of range”. I just read your reply said DW40 and fixed the problem.

Can you give me more detail where to DW40 please?

Thank you

1 month later

Does anyone know the what the head vacuum pressure is supposed to be?

1 month later

me as well !
I just got this “vacuum out of range” massage two days ago.
Is there anyone success to disassemble this vacuum pump - THOMAS 30030533-4V", or just use WD 40 outside?

And also, is the pump part be made by silicone?
Does WD40 works with silicone?

Keep surfing on internet.

Hi, This is wat I did after checking tubes, cleaning them. checking pumps in the rear and all the helpful suggestions I received here (please check them) I took off the Thomas and found it was kind of stucked and the axis did not spin freely. There I applied WD letting the oil get along the axis for several hours. And again. When reassembling it began to work. I had muy Objet out of service almost one month, and nothing got damaged

Good Luck!