I’m building 3D printer like this one http://www.instructables.com/id/Vulcanus-V1-3D-Printer/
My nozzle won’t heat up, I meter volts into D8 and D10 power ports and there is no power. Fan is in D9 port and there is power (fan works)
These parts is connect to gether now:
- Arduino Mega 2560 (China’s copy)
- Ramps 1.4 with stepper motor controllers
- RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller
- EndStop switches (X, Y & Z)
- Volcano V6 nozzle (China’s copy)
- ATX power supply
Operating system:
RepRap-firmware with customs
Preheat choosed but nothin happening… fan running 90% power
I’m assuming this is using Marlin firmware? On the first few lines there is an option for motherboard. Make sure this is set correctly for your configuration. Otherwise it’s possible your Ramps board is damaged. Also check your power supply inputs. There are two inputs, one for 5A and one for 11A. The 11A input will power a heated. Check this link: http://reprap.org/wiki/RAMPS\_1.4#Connecting\_Power
Make sure your thermistors aren’t disconnected anywhere and make sure that they aren’t broken
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Looks like the bed temp sensor is not working. If running Marlin, the firmware will not allow the bed or nozzle to start heating until it can measure the temperature of each. Safety feature.
Seems to be using repetier firmware, check that correct mother board is selected and that pins.h matches your set-up, should be a mega 2650 board.
Also ensure that no pins are sticking out between the ramps board and the mega 2650.
Is there power at the positive lead of the PSU going to the 11amp and 5 amp connector?
D10 is for extruder 1 heater
D8 is for the heated bed.
Your Atx provides 24 V to ramps ?
Do u have a picture of the printerboard? And are your wires in good condition?
I fix it. It was hotbed termostat missing. Arduino wont heat anything if it cant get degrees and etc info. My power supply gives 15A and 14A?