So, what is it? An Ultimaker 3, or a totally new machine? Certainly looks like there’s a good reason to hold off on pressing that “Buy” button on anything else for a couple of days…
My guess would be dual extruder version of the Ultimaker2+ but who knows? I’m really looking forward to seeing this, as I’m on the look out for a new dual-extruder and if their promo pictures are anything to go by, prints look really nice!
Watching the videos they’ve been sharing during the last week I’d say it’s really focused on industrial applications. The videos showed impossible shapes printed with some kind of removable support (PVA maybe?).
I want to see the new features, but the price tag will for sure scare me!
That price point doesn’t come as much of a surprise to me, to be honest! They’re definitely trying to reach more into the professional “prosumer” market with this model and that price is about right on point with competitors.
I’m not a huge fan of the moving nozzles; it’s an interesting approach to the ooze issue and dragging but I wonder how long the mechanisms will be reliable for. You could easily have hundreds, even thousands, of cycles per print and to get the motion right every time is asking quite a bit.
Introduction of NFC always makes me a bit wary of the potential for DRM in the future, but hopefully, Ulitmaker won’t entertain that thought.