The M2 is still definitely worth $1000+. Under $500 is an absolutely amazing deal.
Great deal, assuming it’s in good condition and working.
$500, if you dont buy it I will, lol. Even though the M3 is out and soon to be the M4, 500 is very good for a M2.
What revision is it? if its a rev e its certainly worth it… would say even a rev d… one nice thing about the m2 is that it can be upgraded and all their parts replaced if need be. Any idea how many hours might be on it? ive got one with at least 10k hours on it and several others in the 6k to 8k range.
Honestly I have no idea. I’m new to all this I just pick up the printer. How can I tell the difference.
I just picked it up. Thanks everyone for the feedback. I’m really new to this and was unsure.
The Makergear M2 is still ranked the top workhorse 3D printer on 3D Hubs. I love my M2, and that seems like a really good price for it. It’s still retailing for $1800. If it has old parts, you can optionally upgrade via parts on the Makergear website.
I’m going to get it home and look it over and check what it has and try and get familiar with it, right now I’m a total noob so i’m.going to have to Google most of it.
look at the tag on the back if its a rev e it will clearly say so. if its older then that you will more then likely have to email makergear with the serial number… which you should do anyway because the cooling fans on the older ones are a different voltage. need to know if you have your fingers poking around the extruder while its running! another way to tell if its older then a rev d is that the z screw is larger. the rev d and e have a 6.3mm ish dia screw. rev d can be upgraded to the latest rev e with new parts and firmware. first thing i would check is the linear rail carriages. they can rust if just sitting dry or warn from use.
I think you scored a great deal there. That looks like a pre rev.d model. the M2 Rev.D was and is my only printer I’ve had and I’m super satisfied with it. Easily beats any $300 chinese iPrusa clones. Good luck and have fun. Head over to the Makergear forum and look for the sticky on getting started. The community is very active and really helpful. How-To: Your M2 and you (newbies pls read kthx) - MakerGear Forum 3
Thanks!!! That link has so much useful information. I’m exited to start learning.
Well I do agree it’s the best, as I have a Rev. E. They do have the M3 and soon the M4, which will have a 12x12 build plateform.