So I recently purchased my first 3D printer. A FF Dreamer. And so I also got Simplify 3D as well since I was spending far too much anyways…
I had a simple Gear I modeled and exported to STL and then converted to the G-Code.
Simplify 3D default settings for ABS. 230 extruder, 105 bed.
Loading filament works fine. During the print, it will print a “test line” along the front of the bed which seems to work fine and I assume is a means of clearing out material/impurities etc… But when it goes to print the first layer of the skirt/raft/part nothing happens except that the ABS starts to curl/ball around the extruder nozzle. Am I actually too far away from the bed? I’ve leveled numerous times, but maybe I’m not tight enough with my “paper” test? If so how much resistance should you have between the paper and nozzle?
Turns out that during the initial script from Simplify3D sets the Tool 0 extruder to draw a line along the front edge of the bed… Lo and behold that line always printed. The actual component parts were calling up Tool 1 extruder to actually make the 3D printed object. Only issue? Only have filiament loaded into Tool 0… GD I’m an idiot sometimes (or most times according to my wife).
A resolution is a resolution, welcome to 3D printing! We might as well be dogs the amount of time we spend chasing our tails around. Was glad to read you got this sorted out.