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Jun 2017

Are you using default settings from S3D? You get a nice line at the front because extrusion is multiplied. I also turn on Skirt/Brim gives that extra level of certainty that I leveled properly.

That’s why I don’t move my bed much with my creator pro. The process is much easier with the dreamer

Too far from the bed or temperature too low (try increasing +15 degrees). I think the first one.

OK. So I’m an idiot… :slight_smile:

Turns out that during the initial script from Simplify3D sets the Tool 0 extruder to draw a line along the front edge of the bed… Lo and behold that line always printed. The actual component parts were calling up Tool 1 extruder to actually make the 3D printed object. Only issue? Only have filiament loaded into Tool 0… GD I’m an idiot sometimes (or most times according to my wife).

http://i58.servimg.com/u/f58/19/50/73/31/3d_pri12.jpg 17

A resolution is a resolution, welcome to 3D printing! We might as well be dogs the amount of time we spend chasing our tails around. Was glad to read you got this sorted out.