Hi @chunkysteveo I’d like to see something like this as well. For some reason I seem to get way too many orders that come in the middle of the night, or 11:30pm on a Friday, when I’m in no position (sometimes no fit state) to respond, so by the time I’m at my desk I’ve already received a warning/reminder about responding. What is it about 3D customers that has them up all hours of the night?
glad you like the new updates. Currently we do not take opening hours in account. We took the fast approach to validate if displaying response time and “Online Now” will have a positive impact. Now that we know how important this is for the customers, we will work on a proper solution for opening hours in the next quarter.
Thanks Adam - so just to confirm… if I customer submits an order at 10pm and I don’t see it till 8am when I get a message - that will add 10 hours onto my response average time calculation?
Currently yes. From the data we saw a majority of orders are submitted during regular business hours. It is a bit surprising that you get so many orders late at night. We are also considering a faster fix where we exclude these hours from the calculation.
Probably a while, as it’s not really a “fix”, more of an update. Now that response timing is taking more presedance, 3D Hubs are changing how that it timed, but they are not “fixing it”, but changing how it works.
Soon hopefully!!!
Currently if I get a text or email for an order during the day, I aim to react/respond in seconds just to help my average if one then comes in at night. It’s not a good solution, but all I have for now!
This cannot happen soon enough. I’ve been hit badly by several out-of-hours orders and have gone from 10 minute response time to several hours, with no actual opportunity to respond (being asleep and all that).