That’s awesome!
Is there a way to add this to a WIX site? 3
Great function! I just added it to my website. 1
Maybe it’s an idea to also ad a comment/question button in this screen.
7.5% is just too much. Just our opinion.
This is a good discussion for us, because personally I feel it’s very low.
Allow me to explain, if you consider the fact that payment services alone are 2 - 4%, the “actual fee” is about 3 - 5%. For this fee we offer full customer support, order management, and all the other software functionally which we have built.
I think it’s virtually impossible to find just a payment and order management system below this price point and this excludes all other services we include. So I do feel it’s an extremely sharp offer. I might be wrong, so this discussion is important. Let me know!
@Bernard would you know?
I figured out how to do this on a WIX hosted site. 2
I figured it out. Thanks. I’ve got it on
I think the price is extremely reasonable. Thanks 3D Hubs.
Hi @3DESIGN_LAB, do you have a link to the widget so I can test? No current issues are known. Thanks!