Sorry, you are right. It is the Ultimaker 2.
The head moves to the left back corner making a loud sound and then this messages appears: Error! X or Y switch broken.
Sorry, you are right. It is the Ultimaker 2.
The head moves to the left back corner making a loud sound and then this messages appears: Error! X or Y switch broken.
I will contact you and try to solve it with you, it seems to be a problem with the limit switch
Thank you very much. I appreciate your help.
Check the 6mm rod that hits the y axes limit switch. Make sure it’s able to hit the switch.
As printer says you probably have problem with X or Y switch.
First turn off printer. And manually move it to one side to click switch. And to other. If there is no click sound that means that it does not work.
If clicking that means that can be problem with electronics.
This is pretty easy to fix. The very very loud noise sound bad but the printer can take it. First do what someone said - with power off push head to left and listen for click. Push head to back and listen for click. One of the switches needs to be pressed by one of the rods - you might simply need to slide the rod a mm or so out. Just look with your eyes and see what is going on up in there. You might need to bend the switch slightly.
Alternatively your fan shroud may be bent and it may be hitting the wall of the printer - just bend it back. I have fixed this kind of problem before and it usually only takes a few seconds.
Where are you based? If you are in East London, UK, come and see us. We can fix most 3D printer as well as any other specialist, business and home electronics. +44 20471 0461,