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Apr 2017

Thank you for your reply. I am printing pretty large stuff normally. I noticed that the duct was rubbish. It melted due to the heat of the hot ends. I designed a different one myself as well but I would be curious to your design also. Would you be able to upload it? I switched to a 0.4mm nozzle. Is that large enough? I wanted a larger nozzle also because that gives stronger prints but also I had some nuts and bolts that needed to fit and I didnt know how much a larger nozzle size would affect that. Your third tip comes too late :stuck_out_tongue: my right nozzle is really hard to change for some reason. Maybe this was even directly the case. How does it affect the extrusion? Can you print faster due to more efficient heat transfer? What kind of clogs did you have? I have them constantly now :frowning: My belts seem to be alright.

I am also wondering about that. I have heard about several people getting new printers after their original one and also the newly sent ones turned out to be defective. They even had to increase the price of the HS. More recently however, they lowered the price with about 1000 euros. They advertised this as being a more efficient production process but maybe this is because they want to get rid of all of them. This is something I can imagine.

I re designed with a prusa type cooler, i have since upgraded with a titan exstruder and hotend from e3d, im pretty happy with this new setup.

The entire machine is re built now apart from the skrew drive and the frame. electronics bed heating exstruder, bearings bearing assembly exstruder holder., absolutetly everything. It would have been easier just building one fron scratch to beginn with and it would have saved me a ton of money for the original machine (that never really worked).

I’m a bit far behind from what you’ve done, mostly because I’m not that patient.

So far my biggest change has been the electronics. I’m using a Megatronics.

I really want to replace the linear bearings, get the steppers out of the extrusion cradle, redesign that and replace the extrudes for all metal ends with heat sinks. I wasn’t aware that the 0.35mm nozzles were that big a problem.

The one thing I’m going to do now (that the Megatronics allows me to with the latest Malin firmware, 1.1.0 RC8) is to use two independent stepper drivers for the y axis. I just can fine tune he stepper driver otherwise with the all the weight owe Nema 17’s have to throw around.

Thats a good first step i put in a smoothieboard actually.

How do you connect the new temperature sensors of such a new hot end? I noticed that the current temperature sensors are like 130K at room temperature, while I think many thermistors are rated 100K at room temperature. Does it need some changes in the firmware?

Well, not the first step, just the biggest one. I’ve replaced quite a few mechanical com ponents thus far. Both the x-axis 8mm rods were crooked like you wouldn’t believe.

13 days later


Thank you for your reply on my topic. It is quite shocking but also gives more insight in how things work there at Leapfrog. My experience is also that once the warranty of one year is gone they do not take any responsibility anymore for any faults in their products. This is certainly not what you can expect from a 2000 euro machine.

On your advices:

I have already sent my HS to the shop because rationally I cannot throw this machine away all of a sudden. The depreciation would be too large in this time frame. If they can fix it for a few hundred euros (although I kind of doubt that) I would love that.

Good idea. Don’t have them I think.

Yeah actually I know I will keep printing but probably with another printer at some point. I think I would love the Prusa i3 MK2, but it has a slightly too small printing bed for me. Otherwise it has got almost all the features one could ask for, especially at this price. What I am looking for is a reasonably priced printer which has at least the x or y dimension 30cm+ to fit my designs on. If anybody knows such a printer which is also of good quality I would love to hear so.


2 months later

Did you print the prusa style cooler? Or did you adapt one? Do you have photos? I recently got an HS for a really good price and am looking to get upgrades done.