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Apr 2017

I have a new Mini. It looks like a nice machine so far. I leveled the bed. Printed the cat. It looks like a reasonable print. But I don’t have anything to compare it to. So I created a model which just fits the 120 mm build size with a few millimeters to spare. When I open the .stl in Cura 14.04.6 I cannot save it to gcode until I scale the model to a smaller size. With Cura 2.4.0 it opens at about 66% scale. If I then scale it up to 100% it is bigger than than the printable area.

Everything I find online indicates that 120 mm cubed is the actual build volume. But using the published printer settings I get the above error at 100%.

These are my printer settings:

I assume I’m missing something obvious. Is the actual printable area smaller than 120 mm? What is the printable area for this machine? I appreciate any advice anyone can offer.

  • created

    Apr '17
  • last reply

    Apr '17
  • 10


  • 4.0k


  • 7


I’ll give that a try if I start running out of space.

