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Sep 2016

No, I’m just storing it in my room. Unfortunately I don’t have another filament right now, but after printing a bit higher there were no blobs, but the layer misalignment is a huge concern. What do you think of the z rod wobbling?

No I don’t think the rod is the issue. I have a printrbot simple at my work with a rod that wobbles worst than what is displayed in your videos that you post but the prints the machine produces is excellent. Did you tighten the bolts on the extruder block so the extruder doesn’t move? Also check and make sure the fan is tightened down too.

It may be beneficial to try a different slicer software or install a older version of Cura prior to 15.4. I gave up on Cura a long time ago because I never could achieve decent prints and always had techinical issues that I thought were hardware when in fact it was due to the Cura Software.

The majority of those issues are caused by over-extrusion. You can reduce your flow percent. Or alternatively (what i have actually done with my printrbot simple) adjust the extrusion rate in the firmware settings.

Here is a very detailed guide:

http://joshondesign.com/p/books/simpleguide/text.html 22

Scroll down to the section “Calibrating the Extruder”, basically you have to mark a line on your filament, measure how much it is travelling and compare that to the distance you told it to go in software. You can then use a formula (on the guide) and/or trial and error to get the right value.

Once you do that I would check these out as well:

https://www.simplify3d.com/support/print-quality-troubleshooting/ 9


NOTE: I have never really worried about how i store my filament, i just leave it out all the time and I can get very good quality prints even as low as 0.16mm layer height.

(I am assuming that the printrbot play has the same control board as the earlier printrbots)

Hope that helps!