No experience with Mass Portal, but from my experience ABS is not so easy to print, expecially large and hollow parts.
I have another printer that I use for PLA,Nylon and TPU, but when ABS is needed I use Zortrax; this machine is designed for ABS and, despite closed software and materials, it process ABS with few hassles.
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I did not test the Mass Portal, but I sold many M200’s. This printer is amazing for ABS, and can print without issues even very small models.
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I would recommend the Zortrax, too! It is really easy to use and reliable. Since I ran out of warranty some weeks ago, I ordered the Z-Temp modification. With this “upgrade” you will be able to change extruder temperature on the fly or turn the heat bed off. This will allow the use of 3rd party material like PLA, which is currently not available from Zortrax yet.
Thank you I have ordered it on with a reduce price to 1799€ but as a professionnal I can get it without taxes 1500€. I bought it with enclosure.
Thank you
Wow, thats actually a crazy deal. And seeing Mass Portal on there for 3k€? That is just sad… I am still amazed who buys that expensive RepRap… You can get 2 zortraxes for that price!
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Probably because it’s not a kit, it’s delivered with enclosure and maybe because it’s a bigger volume than the standard reprap delta? Anyway, I was convinced by the M200 I should receive it in few days
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A 5 mm cube is easy for any printer to print. A 5mm tall figurine with tiny features would be impossible for most printers. The thing that matters most is the smallest feature dimension.
Post a picture of a rendering of the kind of print you would like to print with some reference to scale. That should get more responses to your question.
A Form1+ will give the best resolution for small details but the resin is brittle and its very expensive to print with.
I own a Zortrax M200 and a Form1+ and rarely use my Form1+.
We have 2 Zortrax M200’s, an Ultimaker 2 Extended, a Form1+ and an Artiflex at work. The Zortrax printers get used 10:1 over all of the others combined because the prints are almost always hassle free and high quality. The only time the Ultimaker gets used is when we need something large that would warp using ABS.
I’m agree with you, all print with the Zortrax are good until now with very small prints. These prints are not possible on UM2Ext. I’ll use the UM for PLA an exotic material and use Zortrax for small and ABS print.
I have a Mass Portal HD and their service is great. The printers are a cut above the rest especially considering what available. I prefer to print in PLA because of the non-warping factor but you can print in any material just about with this unit.
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Mass portal has the highest cost per volume (3 times more!) compared to any other printer…wondering why