My name is Josh and I’m new to 3DHubs. I’m trying the test print but having issues constraining to the printing instructions. The printing instructions specify to print without support, but the geometry of the supplied model inhibits this request. I’ve attached two images highlighting the problem geometry, that without support creates ‘free-hanging’ slices that will cause printing errors. How would I approach printing this?
Because the “bridge” of the marvin is so small, the majority of the plastic layer is supported by the previous layer below it. There may be some drooping, but I would give it a try without supports to see what happens
All about the cooling. I have a pretty aggressive fan that cools the PLA very quickly after its extruded. That helps immensely on bridging - especially for gaps as small as Marvin’s.
change the default extrusion from o(auto) to your nozzle diameter and you;ll see that part of the print is acutally connected to the inner side of the legs. I know that your post is a year old but i also know that with 3D printing you never stop learning.