In an effort to get some more experience and reviews, I set my prices super low last weekend.(0.05 per cm3 - yeah operating at a loss). I went without any orders until today when I suddenly received 5 new order requests. I’ve booked my printer for the next two weeks for three print jobs and informing new customers about this extended wait time.
How do you guys handle these sudden incoming orders? Is there a way to let new users know that there will be a long wait time because of this queue? The only thing I can think of is updating my printer temporarily to have a much longer order completion time. It seems based on the orders, however, that this might not be updated for customers for quite some time.
I’ve got 4 printers and actually operate at a profit even at low rates of .04$ per cubic centimeter. Having multiple printers really helps with volume.
I just adjust my completion time when i’m busy so it fluxtuates between 1-7days
Or if it’s a really big order and it’ll be longer than my usual completion time. You can change it when you accept the order, so the customer knows what to expect before they pay.
I’ve been scratching my head over this. Correct me if my logic is wrong here…
PLA has a density of 1.25 g/cm^3. A small spool may have 1000 grams. That’s 800 cm^3 of PLA on that spool. If you purchase a decent quality filament for $30, you’ll pay $.0375 per cm^3. Then of course, there’s electricity, tape, glue, nozzles, acetone, hair spray, spare nozzles, replacement belts ( you get my point … the list goes on).
Just don’t see how you’re pulling a profit at .04$ per cubic centimeter, unless the setup fee per print is your profit, and your basically printing for free ( or at a loss). Yes, I know you could be using 25 lb rolls (like we do) but that really only saves 25% or so on the filament…
I guess this approach just could cost you customers. IMHO in certain sense you are not delivering what you are promising… I don’t like price fighting at all. From my point of view I rather have customers that are willing to pay a price for the quality I deliver.
I’m the cheapest hub in my city (Aarhus, Denmark) and i charge about .50$/cm^3 and that is about 10x what i spend on my filament, but if a calculated my average hourly wage it’s still pretty low.
Decent quality filament for $30? What are you running?? I buy decent-great quality filaments for days at $19-25/USD shipped. With 100’s to 1000’s of print hours testing of each. Although I would like to know where your sourcing 25lb rolls :o
Well his main point still stands, even if you buy filaments at $20 you still only get a few cents per cm^3 and that is before you have even taken power/glue/printer repairs into consideration.
I get my 25lb rolls from IC3D. I then re spool those onto old smaller spools. Saves money, and what the hell, gonna use all that filament anyway, am I right? You could get their 5lb spools for a decent price.
For the $30 thing, I was using Verbatim PLA as an example, which can be had for $31.99 on Amazon. Now, I’m no Verbatim spokesman, but their black PLA is really, really nice… butter smooth creaminess. Colorfab would be even more…
I get PLA filament that prints great from Micro-center for $14.99 per KG. I have never had a printing problem from the filament and have gone through many spools.