No, a MAC will work perfectly fine with the printer. Remember it will show up as a serial port; same on a windows or Linux computer. I run mine from an RaspPi under Linux and OctoPi. You will not see the SD Card that’s in your printer when you plug in the USB cable.
Your not hosed that you lost the files from the SD Card. They could help but are not nessesary; all the software to slice is open source; free. Most come with preconfigured settings for this very printer.
When you initialize an SD Card on your MAC make sure you format it as FAT32. It is also helpful to buy a piece of software that clears all the hidden files from the card when eject; most printers will show hidden files and this can be a pain when your looking for your gcode file.
If you want free slicer software, download CURA and learn it (youtube), it’s great for the price. In its printer control panel you should be able to connect to printer from your Mac over the USB cable. Look up how to setup the serial port.