Hey folks,
I recently purchased a used M200 from a friend (who had 2). So pumped! Unfortunately its missing the filament guide support tube. Not a big deal but I cant seem to find out what size it is, and where to get a replacement. Anyone know if it is a “standard” 4mm OD and 2mm ID? Any idea what the length is?
Thanks in advance!
Hey Ryan,
there is indeed standard size tubing that is used for exactly this application. You can get it from a wide range of shops, my favourite place to shop for it is ebay. Search for “PTFE 2mm ID tubing” and you will find what you need. Depending on the store, they are sold in different length increments, E3D for example sells theirs in 10cm increments, which bit me before. So watch out how much you order.
Mine is 4mm OD and 3mm ID according to my calipers. And ~610mm in length
The tube diameter is 4mm outer and 3mm inner.
Do the obvious and contact Zortrax - they will get one to you.
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Outside diameter is 4mm but inside seems to be 3mm. I cuted down standard tube to length of 580mm.
I hope it will help:)
Hi, the transparent guide filament is 4 mm! The length is about 45-50 cm. David
Thanks everyone for the help and quick response.
Its 3mm ID, lenght is about 0,5m but just to be sure, you can buy 1m long.