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Aug 2015

Injection molded plastic parts, machined aluminum/steel…mostly RC car related items. You know…very serious stuff. :slight_smile:

Interesting application. I’d like to talk with you a bit more about what you’re doing and see if I can either help you directly or point you in the right direction (if you aren’t in the US). I always enjoy being a resource for others in the community. Send me an email at hartigs@into3dllc.com and we can talk about what your needs are. Thanks, Steve Hartig

Agreed, the HandyScan 700 looks good but it is a little expensive. There are a lot of 3D Scanner companies that charge a lot extra to add the software to be able to use the machine. Considering the 700 comes bundled with the software, it makes the price a little easier to handle, depending on how much you plan to use it and what your budget is. One of the biggest selling points to me is the fact it is a handheld unit and doesn’t require a tripod and rotating base to do the scans.

Yes, that machine offers a lot of nice features and looks to capture items pretty well…but apparently just not small items. I was very disappointed when I got the e-mail saying that. I’m going to look into the Artec more and see if the scanned items for download are run at the max resolution. I’ll let you know if I hear anything back.

9 days later
11 months later

Did you consider Rangevision (rangevision.com 19) or the likes? Those types of scanners (with interchangeable lenses) are meant for scanning objects of different sizes…all the other scanners are not…most are built for one size of object only. Like the Spider can only scan objects up to 20cm by 20cm and if the object is better than that, you accumulate too much data and your computer crashes.