Please add my business “NDS 3D Printing” , I am located near Salem Oregon and have been involved in 3D printing for 4 years. Ihave 2 Anet A8s, 2 Davinci XYZ Pros (3rd party filament upgraded) 2 robo3D II printers. I print TPU, Wood, ABS, PETG, all manner of PLA and Nylon. Capable of any type of filaments used in non commercial printers. I am well versed in the AutoDesk Inventor software and Fusion 360. Usr multiple slicers, and I have 2 3D scanning systems. Thank you!
Hello Everyone, My small business is From Mind To Matter 3D printing & Design. We bring your ideas to life! We’re able to take customer’s ideas and concepts and turn them into designs and eventually a tangible object that fulfills the needs of the customer’s project.
I can print multiple colors PLA,ABS, Nylon filaments, usually cheaper than the competition!
I can be contacted at []
November 1, 2018, 6:13pm
I am looking for someone in the Minneapolis area (no remote) who wants to do 3d printing full time. The job pays very well. We are looking for someone who has Electro-Mechanical Skills and with desktop, networking and repair background. This could be a great start for someone who is looking for full time work and experience.
Only need Highschool education (with field experience) and a clean driving history.
Shoot me an email @
Please add me:
I specialize in professional grade 3D printing and additive manufacturing for all FDM materials, Large, complex, high production grade quality. Top of the line production grade Stratasys FDM 3D printers= Fortus 900MC, 450MC, 400MC, and 360MC machines.
We offer every FDM material available on every machine we have. We also offer composite mold making, composite prototyping and production as well silicone molds making and urethane castings. Located in southern CA email
We are a small business in Nashville, Tennessee with 3D modeling, 3D printing services, custom computer desktops, and many other technology support in the Tennessee. We have been printing for 2 years with 4 Creality 3D Printers (FDM printed parts). We print PLA, TPU, Wood, and PETG in many different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, dark blue, black, grey, white).
Contact us via email or you can contact us on our contact page for orders . Maximum print size is 300 x300x400mm.
I would love to offer my 3D modeling and printing services. I have a Markforged printer that prints in Markforged proprietary Onyx material which is Nylon with chopped Carbon Fiber. I have 10 years of 3D modeling experience with Solidworks and I would love to assist on any projects. For inquires contact
I recognize that this thread is for people offering services. Is there anyone in the Boston or south of Boston area here, or could you please guide me to the listing of those services in this area.
November 20, 2018, 8:15pm
Please Add me to the list I can print with my taz 6 or robo r1 plus pla, nylon, abs, petg, carbon fiber, black, white, grey, red, blue, purple, green, orange transparent, brown, blue trans parents. I also have a mill and lathe and solidworks for designing, so I can also cut metal or machine abs if needed to be done. I have a full seat of solid works and can design anything on their. My mill and lathe are manual machines with digital reads can hold .0005 to .001 of an inch if needed tighter the tolerance the more it costs. I have 12L14, 1215, and 303 and 316 s.s. and some 6061 AL laying around depends on shape of part needed for which metals I can use.
November 28, 2018, 2:38am
Please add me to the list. I am in the Northwestern Chicago, IL suburbs, but willing to ship to other locations. My email is
Formerly “M3DS Hub ” and “Michael’s Hub ”…
Design, Modeling, Prototyping, Printing and Finishing
3D Printing services for Product Prototypes, Industrial Tooling/Jigs, Medical Prototypes, Custom Jewelry, Games, Gifts, Toys, etc.
Equipment: e3d Bigbox Dual or Rostock Max v2
Sample of Materials: e3d Edge, ABS, PLA, Taulman Bridge Nylon, Taulman PCTPE, PETG, Carbon FIber PETG, HIPS, NinjaFlex. Laywood, BronzeFill, CoffeeFill, e3d Scaffold, PVA. (Other materials can be ordered upon request)
December 10, 2018, 2:41am
As someone looking for a printer partner, this is so haphazard and terrible clunky for all involved. A spreadsheet that organizes all the info would be SO MUCH MORE useful. Here’s one as a starting point in case printers want to fill it in. I think it’d be so much more effective than an endless thread.
Love it! Couldn’t agree more!
This is great! I purchased a domain and my intention was to invite everyone to add their location onto a map. I would list everyone’s business name with a link to their website and sort by location so that anyone looking for a local print shop could check this map. I haven’t done much with it yet and may ask for some help and feedback, but this spreadsheet would be a good starting point for me to get those shops “on the map”. Maybe a column can be added to get permission to be placed on the map on my site. Let me know your thoughts!
Julie—BIT Solutions
December 10, 2018, 4:33pm
I like that idea, Julie! I added the column, and made a map. How come you’re not on the list?!
Are you planning to charge people to use the site/access print shops? Or more of a public service?
I am on this string way back in September, but will add myself to your spreadsheet when I get back home tomorrow.
I am not going to charge anyone, just have it be a public service. I will advertise the site whenever I get free Google or Bing ad dollars, and will promote on my business site, facebook, instagram, etc. I would hope that others would also share the site and advertise if they would like.
I just finished up an MIT certification course in additive manufacturing so I should have more free time to dedicate to getting this site going.
1 Like
Add me to the list.
I’m based out of the Portland, OR area. Can do all types of FDM.
December 13, 2018, 1:56am
Hmmm. Boo. Google maps not automatically updating from the table. I’ll need to revisit this setup. Suggestions welcome. Fusion Tables was supposed to be a solution, but just yesterday Google announced it’s killing it off…
December 13, 2018, 2:14am
Here’s hoping this map works: Looks like we only get 50 views a day though on the free plan.
December 13, 2018, 3:04am
Ok. One of you funny guys went in and deleted the entire sheet (and then put it back) just to prove the point that someone from the dark side — who was maliciously inclined — could mess with other printer’s entries.
So, the suggestion was to create a form to mostly prevent that. Here you go: U.S. 3D Printers
I have embedded your map into my website here: so it should update when you add more points to the map!
I will tweak the site over the weekend and then will ask for feedback starting next week.
December 13, 2018, 11:01am
If you haven’t already done so, please add us to your site. Virtual2Actual. FDM printing, scanning and light laser cutting. We have a farm of 10 printers with beds up to 500mmx500mm. We print mostly in PLA, including exotics but can do ABS on request.
We can be reached at .