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49 / 62
Dec 2018
13 days later
12 days later

Ok. One of you funny guys went in and deleted the entire sheet (and then put it back) just to prove the point that someone from the dark side — who was maliciously inclined — could mess with other printer’s entries.

So, the suggestion was to create a form 7 to mostly prevent that. Here you go: U.S. 3D Printers 7

I have embedded your map into my website here: www.3Dprintsites.com 8 so it should update when you add more points to the map!

I will tweak the site over the weekend and then will ask for feedback starting next week.

If you haven’t already done so, please add us to your site. Virtual2Actual. FDM printing, scanning and light laser cutting. We have a farm of 10 printers with beds up to 500mmx500mm. We print mostly in PLA, including exotics but can do ABS on request.

We can be reached at samern@ix.netcom.com.

