Hello ! I need a recommendation a a SLA printer. I saw this fantastic Kickstarter project , looks promising but no comparisons with the leading low cost SLA printers already on market
Hi @Reta firstly, I’d be extremely wary of anything on Kickstarter. While some projects have ended producing decent machines that go on to sell and work well, way more projects just falter and die. If you want a machine, buy one that’s in market now, has had people actually using it and has been reviewed by respected sources. This particular project seems weird to me. Their intial goal was just £23k or so, and that is a very small sum for what should be a large and involved project, particularly one that apparently already has a working prototype. If the prototype is so good, why can’t they fund from traditional sources? There’s also a lot of comments where the answer is “we’ll be giving information on this later”. There’s no information about post-curing, how long a print tray lasts, etc., and these are key operating issues for SLA. I’m also wondering how resins are changed (the bottle is upside down, screwed into a dispenser, that looks like a recipe for resin everywhere when changing) and there’s no wipe of the print tray, which makes me wonder how consistent the print quality will be (I could go on).
If you want an SLA machine, and are prepared for the post-production requirements and ongoing costs, then look at reviews of existing machines.
Thank you so much for the help on this one ! It sounds so good but it’s hard to know for certain. Do you have any recommendations perhaps for Sub $1000 USD machines? I keep getting confused by the DLP or LCD screen systems. Which will perform better in the long run, better print quality for small jewerly pieces.
Of course I would love the formlabs but it’s just out of my price range for our little start up studio.
Hi @Reta the terms can be confusing! Technically speaking, all printers that use UV to cure resin are “SLA” printers. SLA stands for “stereolithography” which (roughly translated from the Greek) means “solid writing with light”. However, there are three primary different ways of introducing the UV light to the resin.
Laser-based systems (such as the FormLabs Form 2), use a laser to “draw” each layer onto the resin - you can actually see the laser moving around the layer shape, much as an FDM printer moves its print head.
DLP printers use a special projector that flashes the entire layer in one hit, like a photo.
LCD (more accurately called MSLA - masked SLA) printers are similar to DLP, but the light is provided by an array of UV LEDs which is then masked by an LCD panel. Again, here each layer is cured in a single shot.
Laser-based systems tend (it seems to me) to be just called “SLA”, but it’s a lot more confusing with DLP/LCD/MSLA, not least because reviewers, and even manufacturers, tend to confuse the terms themselves. I’ve seen reviews of non-laser machines that talk of them as “laser based”, and machines that are MSLA referred to as DLP, etc.
In terms of recommendations, I’m not much help, I’m afraid. I used to own a Form 2 and that could produce great prints, though my one was plagued with technical issues and eventually I returned it for a full refund. I’d recommend watching this review by Angus from Maker’s Muse. He’s talking about the AnyCubic Photon, but his comments in respect of post-curing and the problems with resin echo my own opinions very well.