Hi, I just got my printer some days ago. I’m having an issue with the tall printings. I’m attaching some pictures to explain better. I thought I needed to tighten the belts, it didn’t solve the problem. Does anyone know what is causing this? And how can I fix it? Thanks in advance.
ABS needs an enclosure for larger prints. Because when abs cools down it shrinks slightly, if the other layers are still warm when previous layers are cold it will cause warping and delamination.
A way to verify that its the abs with no enclosure is to print it in PLA and see if the issues occur still. If they do then its possibly something with the machine.
December 11, 2017, 11:55pm
I had the same problem with a very similar looking part with ABS. I found out that as print goes taller the base of the part couldn’t negate the pressures from the nozzle, causing the print part to slight wobble. This movement is more as and when you go higher. I fixed it by having a larger brim size… Atleast 12 loops and the offset of brim from part was 0mm. I’m almost positive this will fix the problem. Also, try to slow down the print speed.
Hey my name is Derek I’m a moderator on the the LM fb group what material are you printing with here in the pic it’s a combination of things to be honest but I’m sure I can help
December 12, 2017, 12:18am
One (or more) of your cars is getting bound up on something. Check for obstructions and make sure the rail is clear and not bent. Move each car up and down along it’s path and feel for any rough spots or stopping points. Check any wheels, pulleys, belts and the motors themselves.
Additionally, the motors could be undervolted. There’s a few good videos on Youtube which show you how to check and adjust stepper voltage.
It also looks like your print is twisting, which could indicate that the vertical rails are not at right angles with the rest of the machine. Get a square and… well… square it up!
Alternatively, it could be a kink or restriction in the PTFE tube, though the layer shifting would imply otherwise. Check to be sure it’s not getting bound up on anything, or kinking like a garden hose. Also, make sure it’s not getting caught up in the cars. Does the Little Monster feature a floating extruder? If so, make sure it’s not bending off to a harsh angle as the effector raises.
You probably need to adjust the AMPS on the xyz motors. Are the motors cool or a little warm? If so you can bump up the AMPS in the config file. Increase in .1 increments until the motors run hot then back off a little. You don’t want you motors to run hot. Sometimes you need to let them run for a while to make sure they don’t heat up. Hope this makes sense
I have this printer and I too experienced a multitude of printing problems. I’m glad to say it’s all functioning correctly now. The first big thing to eliminate would be the settings in your slicer. The guys over at simplify3D have done all the leg work for you when it comes to custom settings and I can verify that their settings work perfectly. So if you aren’t already I would get your hands on a copy of simplify and see if your problems persist, at least then you will know if it is a config issue or a hardware issue.
Oh, and before you go prodding the main board I would first look at how much it is to replace (it’s not cheap). Tevo included a warranty sheet with the printer so if it isn’t working I’d contact them first.