I’m using 4 Makerbot Rep2 and 2x machines for prototyping - along with 8 CTC/Flashforge machines for production.
I see the reason for CTC showing so high is:
The existing wide user base (based on open source Replicator1, Flashforge etc machines).
Wide supply of replacement parts and knowledge base based on the open source platform.
It’s rock bottom pricing helps move machines and push it up the ladder to the top spot.
CTC are not my best machines and are definitely not my favorite machines.
For the price they are reasonable to create a workable botfarm.
I’ve had a CTC for a while now. Overall out of the box it’s great. Nice detail. There are a few upgrades a new owner might want to print or invest in. I personally think the best investment was a new extruder gear for the steppers. Made all the difference for consistent filament feed. So far I really like it.
I have no regrets about buying mine. Great print quality, after a couple easy mods. Prints like a champ right out of the box. I recommend them to everyone who asks me. Great printer for the price
The Amazon.com 1 reviews are not good. 2.8/5 with a lot of negative reviews. Does anyone know why the discrepancy between the Amazon reviews and the rise of the CTC in the rankings?