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Y’all are invited to exhibit at our 4th annual event on 11/12-13 at the GRB in downtown Houston. Maker Faire is the largest public exhibition of creativity and innovation in Houston (we’re planning for 10,000 attendees), and we want a large representation of 3D printing since it’s a foundation maker technology. We want to exhibit the scale, capability and creativity of the 3D printing community in the Houston metro area, so show your best most-inventive designs, styles and materials. This is also a great setting to build your audience and network – and selling is OK too. Please google our event or go to www.houstonmakerfaire.com/makers-2/ for more info. You can get back to me with questions here or at mike.hinkle@innovation-spark.org . Thanks! Mike (note: this post was approved by the 3DHubs communities team)