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Sep 2016

ProJet 3500, I would say.

perfect for all of the smaller objects. It’s a completely different technique called MJP.

vary fast if you have many models. Easy postprocessing. (Runing 3 of them.)

For FFF Printing i would say 3DP workbench. 1x1m plattform allowing also bigger models. Fast and robust industrial machine.

For printer management I would suggest using 3dprinteros, we used 8 ultimaker with number of students collaborating and using the 3d printers. The whole interface is very institutional friendly setup and would prefect in your case. Has ability to slice in cloud, give prints, monitor them etc and also give access to students as required. Later on the data analytics is also helpful for some purposes.

Printer- I would recommend makergear m2 simply because its reliable and consistent, you will find others with good spec and all but this machine never fails. I give prints remotely and come home to find the prints done! simple.

Hi Jessica,

I run a product design and 3D printing business and we use our printers basically 24/7 as well. We have used several brands of 3D printers, but we’ve found that the Ultimaker 2+ series is the most reliable as long as a the machines are keep in good maintenance. This includes regular greasing, oiling, etc. If you would like to get a hold of me to see some basic maintenance charts, feel free to contact me justin@shookideas.com.

In reference to your comment about expanding the number of materials, my business Shook Ideas would love to help you out. You can find our material shop here: http://shookideas.com/3Dfilament.html. We offer special discounts on materials to schools, libraries, etc. We use all of the filaments we sell, so we also support the materials we sell if you have any issues. I look forward to hearing from you!


Dear Jessica,

after reading all blogs I can understand why some folks are steering away from the blogs. The American_3D friend is trashing every printer with bunch of false information about Zortrax and other printers. Are they ideal not, but each printer has the place and role to play. First off all Zortrax is using SIX DIVERSE materials plus two coming in November Z-Nylon and Z-Laywood. Today you can use Z-ABS, Z-PCABS, Z-Hips, Z-Ultrat, Z-Petg and Z-Glass. Their price for spool is comparable with other high end materials from Tylman or Color Fab. Yes, it is tested by them and guarantee consistent print you will never achieve from cheap material from Frys or Microcenter. Good material is 60% of successful print.

AS I stated we tested 20 plus printers (including TAz, different Makerbot’s, Tier Time, CubePros, Cube3, Fusion3, ZOrtrax, AirWolf, Formlab, Micro Advantage, Objet30, 3SP and multiple others amongst them). It looks like everyone is trying push printer he/she likes or have interest in, rather than ask you what are the Success Criteria for your place and then suggest proper device to fit your requirements. Fact that someone like TAZ doesn’t mean that it is best printer and it will work for you. We have Taz and have different opinion about it. Maker Bots received bad reputation and they deserved it, but I have friends very happy with Maker Bots as they like to feel connected to printer through fixing it. They will never replace it with Zortrax or Ultimaker2 or Up!Mini2 as you don’t have to do anything rather than print, print and print. I’m not trying to sell anything but rather share my production experience from more than 2 .5 years production operation. We went through similar challenge like yours, after realising that MakerBots will not sustain my business, but that they are very good for “geeks” to understand how printer works, how to repair it, replace nozzles, heads etc. Do I like them no, but I recognize that they are very good in certain MakerSpaces as they require student to think Improvements.We had very good experience with student rebuilding MakerBot to very decent machine.

What I’m trying to say is that unfortunately in this blog we have too many personal views and very little cool, metrics based information. I can share with you (i’m not selling it) our experience if you can contact me at email I indicated below.

Is your library production, MakerSpace, Education or all of the aboves? And if you have multiple environment, maybe you should look at different printers in terms of ease of use, software, size of the build platform, number of the nozzles and so on.



Indeed. Learn how reprap machines work and use Prusa mk2. You’ll be able to afford more printers in your farm, allowing for regular maintenance windows. And they are well documented and easy to repair, on top of being able to print an insanely large number of filaments.

Hi Luis, I’ve read through all of these guides and tested several of the printers. I’m specifically looking for folks who have experience operating these printers at a production level rather than as an at-home hobbyist printer. Thank you for the links.

Thank you so much for your detailed response Kuba. Unfortunately we’re in Arizona, otherwise I’d love to come by and visit your studio. I have heard very good things about the Zortrax and will be reviewing this model in more details. You’re right about the choice of ease-of-use versus time spent fixing. Right now almost all of our Makerbots are down and I’d like nothing better than to chuck them all in the bin and light them on fire.