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Hi there, we just launched a Kickstarter for our range of epic fantasy terrain - lots of floating rock islands and undead fortifications!

Check it out here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/immortalrealms/the-shattered-shards-3d-printable-fantasy-war-game/description 22

The ‘Immortal Realms of Undeath’ pledge level is the one to back for free stretch goals. The pledge gets you the STL files licenced for your own personal use.

We’re already funded and have so far unlocked one free terrain piece (update #1) and are currently looking to unlock a 2nd free piece (update #2)

We also have a pledge level for a commercial licence which allows you to offer these prints to your customers via your website, eBay, Etsy etc etc for a profit. A great way to use your printer to earn some cash!