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Jul 2016


i’m completely new to 3d printing.

I’m using an arduino uno and the teacup firmware. I had some trouble opening teacup after I downloaded it. I downloaded the Teacup firmware master branch package.I followed the instructions on Rep Rap wiki 16 but i didn’t understand how to set it up. I also downloaded python. Can someone please tell me how i can open teacup and use it with my arduino uno r3?

Thanks a lot, Mitch

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    Jul '16
  • last reply

    Jul '19
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You need python installed, on your path and associated with “.py” files, so that python starts when you double-click on the configtool.py file. Where did you get the version of python you installed?

If python is at least on your path, open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the teacup firmware, then enter “python configtool.py” on the command line.

Hi thanks for answering,

I got python from here 26. You mentioned getting python on my path. what is that and how do I do it? I am completely new so I don’t know anything. Then how do I open a command prompt? and how do I enter Python config tool.py on the command line?

What I did was basically this: I downloaded the teacup firmware from here 17, and then downloaded python version 2.7.12. Then I went to the Python file “configtool” in the teacup firmware, and double clicked. the python window, if i’m not mistaken, opened for a fraction and then went out again. How can I open it?

Thanks a lot in advance, mitch.

Make sure your librarys have uno in it. It may be easier just to use Arduino 1.0.4 upto 1.0.6 as it is an Ardunio board and has the librarys installed already. I have it on my WordPress blog https://georgeroblesjr.wordpress.com 38 I have two versions on the first blog. Can also download directly from Ardunio site as well.


thanks for replying but i’m not sure I understood what an arduino 1.0.4 is. And Where do I need to Install the libraries?

And the firmware on your site, is it compatible with an arduino uno r3? And one more thing, what can you download from the arduino site? please reply asap.

Thanks mitch

Arduino.com 4 Look in search for version 1.0.4 The firmware I’m running is ramps and a mega essentially. Firmware has multiple boards in the tabs. I also have some videos on how to do it. If the r3 is not in library, then you can add it. There are tons of video on how to do this. The Arduino dev software is what I use to write and edit sketches directly to the board via a USB cable. However as its progressed over the years, the library for the lcd has changed among other things. Which is why you need the older version of Arduino. Arduino library is easy to update via Windows explorer and restarting the Arduino program. What you see on my blog post is multiple items. Read the descriptions to know what they are. Also georgeroblesjr is my YouTube user name. If you Google mk8 autolevel you will see my videos pop up as well as my thingiverse files.

after i’ve installed the version 1.0.4, and added the uno r3 library, what do I do? how do I upload the firmware?

Wait, the firmware your referring to is your firmware? or teacup?

thanks again

I’m going to go over this from the start - apologies if this is a little simplistic. I’m also assuming you’re using Windows.

Prerequisites: you will need the Arduino IDE (IDE means Integrated Development Environment) installed first, which you can get from here: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software 14

1. Find the teacup firmware file you downloaded (it should be a zip file) and double-click on it to open it. You should see an explorer window open with the folder “Teacup_Firmware-master” visible.

2. Open another explorer window. You can do this by pressing ctrl+enter then typing “Explorer” (without the quotes).

3. In the new explorer window, click on the C: drive on the left hand side, then on the “New Folder” option at the top of the window. Give the new folder a name, such as “temp” (without the quotes).

3. Double-click on the new folder.

4. You should now have two explorer windows open - one with “Teacup_Firmware-master” in it, the other open in the new folder you just created. Click and drag the “Teacup_Firmware-master” folder to your newly created folder. This will extract the zipped-folder to your hard drive.

5. Once the firmware has been extracted, close the explorer window you dragged from, leaving the window you dragged to open.

6. Double-click on the “Teacup_Firmware-master” folder you just extracted into C:\temp to open it, then double-click on the configtool.py file.

This should start the config tool. If it doesn’t, carry on from step 7 below.

7. Open a command prompt by pressing Ctrl+Enter, then typing in “cmd” (without the quotes) and pressing Enter.

8. Change to the temp directory you created by entering the following commands and pressing Enter after each one:


cd \temp\Teacup_Firmware-master

9. Enter the following command and press enter:

python configtool.py

If the configuration tool does not start, you should see an error message. Copy it and reply with it here and we can figure out what’s going wrong and move on to next steps.

3 years later

Hi there. I realize this is an old topic but so far it’s been the best resource for me as I try to get teacup setup with various issues. I’ve gone through most of the steps listed here and elsewhere to get python setup, get wxpython going, Arduino IDE, and the teacup firmware but it’s not working yet. I went through the process listed about and got to the point of running python configtool.py but keep getting an error from there. The error is:
TypeError: Sizer.AddSpacer(): argument 1 has unexpected type ‘tuple’

Looking online, it seems like the problem is installing the wxpython with pip but I’m unsure how to install it otherwise. Has anybody had this issue or solved it? Thanks!