Pleasure! Let me know how you get on.

Hey! I didn’t know this was a “new” feature, I’ve been using it for a while! Thanks.

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It’s really great, I think it’s going to make it a lot easier for hubs to promote themselves and not just 3D Hubs in general. I mean overall it helps promote 3D Hubs but when you are sending someone to Hubs, you want them to place an order through you, not get caught in a list of other peoples hubs. Two add on suggestions:

  1. A custom URL shortener for our direct hub links, something like “” would be a great way to pass my hub along in written form.
  2. Give us generated QR codes that we can easily add to business cards and flyers with links to our hubs.

I know both of these are things that I could do on my own, I could make a address for my hub or generate my own QR code but having these already created and waiting in our profiles would make things super easy and give us better tools to promote our hubs. Anyways, you guys are doing a great job and thanks for implementing this. I’m just giving suggestions to help improve things.


Really appreciate this Matt! I will put the suggestions on the roadmap for Hubs, thanks!

While we’re on the suggestion train, how about an embedded form so the user can upload files, choose material and colour, get a quote and start the order directly from our website? Obviously then it would just transport over to 3d hubs.

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We also have a 3D Print Button thats embeddable on websites that features your own custom hub link. Its in the ‘Hub Powertools’ section of the Dashboard.

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It sounds like an API is on the way so you could probably integrate it pretty easily once that is done (I hope at least because I would love the same thing).


Hehe, you’re on to us. Just hang in there a little longer :wink:

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I love you guys and girls. I see it now: 3D Hubs will be like the new paypal, with a hint of aliexpress and thingiverse mixed in. I’m stoked.


Over Christmas i wrote a small wordpress plugin for placing 3DHubs links in widget spaces. Check it out here:


Wow! Really cool :slight_smile:

Seen this @Brian @pedro?

Haha, makes my day :slight_smile:

Pretty awesome! =) We’ll make it even easier to link to your hub in a near future. We should keep you in the loop.

Love it!

After talking to @gabriela3d and @Simona at the Euromold 2014 i heard that the API might be relaesed one day. If the plan has not changed it would be nice to get a developper access to the API in order to prepare the plugin for more features and release it with the API.

@sandrako suggested that i should directly write @Bram and @Zach and i did so about a month ago. Maybe the mail got lost, i havn’t got a response until now. :slight_smile:

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Hi Obelix,

Send me a note:, so we can connect on this.

Thank you.

Done. Thank you.

Yes this is great, thank you. We are already linking from our website and email auto-responder.

+The ultimate would be if you guys can create an iframe so that we can have people uploading directly via our websites. See an example from Eventbrite: Eventbrite - Discover Great Events or Create Your Own & Sell Tickets

Thanks for all your great work!


Hey, I embedded the button for this on my website, but instead of going to the file upload page, it goes to my hubs homepage. The link in the code is correct: Any ideas about how to fix this? Thanks.